5 Tips to Promote Green Homes (Guest post)

By John Adams

Adopting green policies has helped uplift the reputation of many organizations worldwide. The deteriorating environmental conditions are evident and people are beginning to realize the impact of their carbon footprint. The surging costs of fuel have enlightened consumers about the earth’s depleting resources. The high frequency of natural disasters has convinced a large number of individuals that global warming is not a myth. Although a substantial portion of the population is aware that the human race is solely responsible for damaging and polluting the earth, we still lack corrective measures. Even though many of us verbally approve of the green movement, we are not doing much to support the cause.

Many people have shifted to a greener lifestyle by limiting or eliminating the use of plastics, buying recycled toilet paper, opting for energy-saving electrical appliances, eating organic, etc. However, when it comes to building or investing in a green home, they hesitate to take the leap. As intriguing as a green home sounds, architects, and designers have a hard time pitching them as a superior alternative to conventionally built homes. Here are a few strategies to strengthen your green marketing campaign and encourage the audience to actually consider this venture.

1.    Avoid Green Washing

Sadly, many companies deceive the public by wearing a green disguise. Their claims regarding eco-friendly practices and sustainable products are nothing but a scam. Corporations that call themselves environment-friendly while they spoil earth in the background are the executors of greenwashing. It is illegal, or at least unethical, to say one thing and do the complete opposite. Consumers will eventually catch on to your lies one way or another, and then you have to face dire consequences in the wake of business litigation. Therefore, the first step to market a green home is by becoming the epitome of sustainable living.

2.    Highlight Economic Benefits

People will be twice as keen to do some good to the world, as long as they attain incentive for the effort. Just as nobody wants to work for free, why would somebody make an investment that comes with no returns/personal gains? Starting your speech with a sentence that includes the words ‘high initial costs’ is enough to chase away potential customers. What does the buyer get out of purchasing green building materials that cost twice as much as the traditional kind? You have to lure the buyer into long-term economic benefits before you get to the pricing part. Do the math for them when you say that green homes are more durable and low maintenance.

3.    Mention the well being of Children

The majority of home buyers are family people who can be swayed if you link green marketing with the health and safety of their children. Parents are willing to go over budget and make exceptions to provide a nourishing environment for their children to grow.

4.    Implement Sustainable Marketing Resources

How you design and display your advertisements navigates the influence of your marketing content. Your inclination towards greener earth must be prominent in the resources utilized. For instance, if you are going to hand out flyers, emphasize the fact that they were made from recycled paper. Digital marketing is the greenest medium for advertising so use it as much as you can.

5.    Start a Green Lifestyle Blog

Spreading awareness about the benefits of green homes is a good way to win some press points. Tell people what’s wrong with conventional construction procedures and how you provide the ultimate solution. A blog will earn recognition for your brand and perhaps attract some useful leads.

Author Bio

John Adams is a paralegal and environmentalist who loves to travel, read, and write. His blogs are mainly focused on personal injury and sustainable living. He believes that all of us can improve the quality of our life by incorporating positive thoughts and actions.

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